IBF Board

IBF Canada

Dr. Titi Kunkel

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Dr. Maria Paula Sarigumba

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Sustainable Solutions

IBF Board

IBF Canada

Dr. Titi Kunkel

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Dr. Maria Paula Sarigumba

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Sustainable Solutions

IBF Board

IBF Canada

Dr. Titi Kunkel

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Dr. Maria Paula Sarigumba

Exceptional Woman in Sustainability

Sustainable Solutions

Extractives and Sustainable Community Development: A Comparative Study of Women’s Livelihood Assets in the Americas

Community Capacity-building and a license to operate in the mining industry

Youth Participation in Indigenous Territorial Governance


Hatch, Calgary Canada 

Master Class: Social and Environmental Risk Assessments

This Master Class focused on equipping Hatch’s personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake robust social risk assessments of extractive projects (mining, oil and gas) and to make them aware of methodological advances in risk assessment tools and methodologies. The requirements for a social risk assessment based on a sustainable livelihood framework and IFC methodology were covered.