


Asia and the Pacific

Dr. Isabel B. Franco (IBF)


Featured Resource

BOOK Beyond CSR? The Global Business of Local Sustainability: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods 

Equip yourself with innovative applications on the sustainable livelihood methodology for social risk assessment. IBF pioneered the application of the sustainable livelihood methodology to large mining projects.

Featured Resource

BOOK Socially Responsible Business: A Model for a Sustainable Future

Equip yourself with innovative applications on the sustainable livelihood methodology for social risk assessment.

Social and Environmental Risk Assessments

Master Class

This Master Class focused on equipping Hatch’s personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake robust social risk assessments of extractive projects (mining, oil and gas) and to make them aware of methodological advances in risk assessment tools and methodologies. The requirements for a social risk assessment based on a sustainable livelihood framework and IFC methodology were covered. 

IBF has invested significant resources into further developing the sustainable livelihood methodology for social risk assessment and has published many technical and research  studies. We continue to work hard to develop and improve methodologies of social risk assessment. Our Master Classes and technical studies help our clients understand and maximize the impacts and benefits of their investments, as part of its efforts to forge a sustainable future for all. 

Confidential Due Diligence Reports

Mergers and Acquisitions

Hatch was required to conduct confidential due diligence of large gas and mining projects operating in Asia and the Pacific and the Americas. Due diligence reports delivered through HATCH provided detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. Due diligence also helped potential clients to make informed decisions about mergers and acquisitions in the contexts they operate within. 

IBF’s work has been presented at the OECD Forum on Responsible Business. We provide guidance for companies potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Our scope of work is all mineral supply chains, oil and gas and aligns with the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance.



Asia and the Pacific


Dr. Isabel B. Franco (I.B.F)



Featured Resource

BOOK Socially Responsible Business: A Model for a Sustainable Future

Equip yourself with innovative applications on the sustainable livelihood methodology for social risk assessment.

This project was aimed to conduct a “A Review of Alignment between National Extractives Legislation and Policy and the Africa Mining Vision (AMV)”. The study showed that this alignment could not be undertaken by a government or other institution in isolation but had to be addressed as a pervasive concern which every stakeholder and institution in the Angolan extractive industry needed to engage with. Therefore, CATOCA Diamond Mining Company and ENDIAMA became key participants in this study. With such a view in place, this project contributed to the Angolan Policy alignment with the African Mining Vision (AMV). Under the guidance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), this study assessed to what extent the existing legal, institutional, policy and regulatory framework aligned with the AMV and recommended ways of improvement to conduct the alignment. The project made an important contribution, while defining a sustainable resource development roadmap for Angola and African resource-based economies. In response, Angola has undergone transformations so as to align itself with this regional policy. 

The project was presented in English and Portuguese in the form of a workshop to 15 senior corporate and government executives from the Ministry of Mines and Geology of Angola, UNDP Angola and CATOCA-ENDIAMA. The workshop aimed to fill capacity-building gaps, which needed to be addressed in order to assist the country in meeting the requirements of the AMV and a roadmap for Sustainable Resource Development.

Related Projects

Building Sustainable Communities: A Framework for Supporting Community Livelihoods and Poverty Alleviation in Resource Regions
Study of Conflicts for Water in the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework: The Role of the Mining Industry in Cajamarca, Colombia: A Case Study
Extractives and sustainable community development: a comparative study of women’s livelihood assets in the Americas

Related Projects

Building Sustainable Communities: A Framework for Supporting Community Livelihoods and Poverty Alleviation in Resource Regions
Study of Conflicts for Water in the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework: The Role of the Mining Industry in Cajamarca, Colombia: A Case Study
Extractives and sustainable community development: a comparative study of women’s livelihood assets in the Americas