Current Innovations


IBF supports individuals and other organizations interested in exploring issues that cut across various areas of climate change, sustainable development, sustainability science, policy and practice, providing valuable content and innovations. Please be in touch if you would like us to  conduct independent action research, feature content or simply engage with our current innovations. Under our research impact strategy, we disseminate your content, academic and quasi academic pieces, across IBF’s channels and networks. Below, you find some of our current innovations. Email us at to collaborate with us.

BOOK Gender Aspects of Sustainable Development: A Global Overview





Open for innovations (in the form of a book chapter) exploring gender, sustainability/climate change and nutrition

MY 30, 2023

Springer, Science for Sustainable Societies Series


Published by Springer, this book contributes to sustainability since the chapters will focus on various approaches taken by women for sustainability as well as challenges faced by them, which will serve as examples of good practices as well as shed light on disparities. The manuscript has incorporated issues of gender inclusion from various sectors, including conservation, natural resource management, water and sanitation, climate vulnerability, fashion, as well as technology. Addressing gender biases and gender-specific impacts of global environmental changes is crucial to facilitate inclusive development. Addressing these issues will also facilitate identifying solutions and create pathways for women empowerment. Identifying good practices and examples of sustainable practices by women worldwide will act as a handbook and guide for accelerating and leveling up women’s involvement in sustainable development.

Book Chapters

  • Going beyond the traditional gender role for life on land: Women’s role, challenges and achievement in restoring Khata corridor of Terai Arc Landscape Nepal.
  • Gender-transformative renewable energy transition as a pathway to sustainable development: lessons learned in Malawi, Africa
  • Building sustainable fashion futures: Women’s disruptive actions.
  • Advancing gender equality in water related disaster management
  • Using gender equality to tackle youth unemployment in Africa
  • Economic empowerment in Piura’s rural entrepreneur home: a measurement model
  • Toward a Women-Centric Approach to Sustainability in Resource Regions
  • Sustainable Human Capital in the Extractive Industry – The Case of Colombian Women
  • Women and Sustainable Development: Mainstreaming Gender in the United Nations 2030 Agenda
  • Gender Mainstreaming: Social, Economic and Institutional Contributions for Sustainable Community Development
  • The impact on women of internal control practices and health services in Uganda
  • Exploring the Waste management and Gender Nexus
  • Gender mainstreaming in the Climate Technology Centre & Network: a review of a case of good practice within the UNFCCC process
  • Sustainable Development and curbing gender inequality through Inclusion of women in Policy Making
  • Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Involvement of women in Mitigating the  Disaster Impacts
  • Equality, Peace, or economic sustainability: which one comes first, and are they related?
  • Women involvement in conservation: culture and empowerment nexus
  • Implications of water security on indigenous women- Case from buffer zones of Nepal  
  • Youth Participation in Indigenous Territorial Governance 
  • Building Capability For Knowledge Creation: A Symbolic Interaction Analysis of Capacity Building Engagements of Women In A Community Setting

BOOK Gender Aspects of Sustainable Development: A Global Overview


Open for innovations (in the form of a book chapter) exploring gender, sustainability/climate change and nutrition


May 30, 2023


Springer, Science for Sustainable Societies Series



The connection between gender inclusiveness and sustainable development is undeniable, with gender equality having its own dedicated goal, Goal 5, in the SDG 2030 agenda. Disinvolvement of women hampers progress of each SDG, while proactive involvement of women facilitates achievement of not only gender equality but also progress of other SDGs. However, gender bias embedded deeply across cultures still hinders women’s involvement in decision making and developmental processes, and women still face unacceptable levels of abuse along with discrimination. This is showcased in numerous countries and communities through the book chapters included in this proposal, ranging from indigenous forest-dependent communities of Nepal, rural communities of Kenya, rural communities of Piura, to women in extractive industries in Colombia. 

Published by Springer, this book contributes to sustainability since the chapters will focus on various approaches taken by women for sustainability as well as challenges faced by them, which will serve as examples of good practices as well as shed light on disparities. The manuscript has incorporated issues of gender inclusion from various sectors, including conservation, natural resource management, water and sanitation, climate vulnerability, fashion, as well as technology. Addressing gender biases and gender-specific impacts of global environmental changes is crucial to facilitate inclusive development. Addressing these issues will also facilitate identifying solutions and create pathways for women empowerment. Identifying good practices and examples of sustainable practices by women worldwide will act as a handbook and guide for accelerating and leveling up women’s involvement in sustainable development.

Book Chapters

  • Going beyond the traditional gender role for life on land: Women’s role, challenges and achievement in restoring Khata corridor of Terai Arc Landscape Nepal.
  • Gender-transformative renewable energy transition as a pathway to sustainable development: lessons learned in Malawi, Africa
  • Building sustainable fashion futures: Women’s disruptive actions.
  • Advancing gender equality in water related disaster management
  • Using gender equality to tackle youth unemployment in Africa
  • Economic empowerment in Piura’s rural entrepreneur home: a measurement model
  • Toward a Women-Centric Approach to Sustainability in Resource Regions
  • Sustainable Human Capital in the Extractive Industry – The Case of Colombian Women
  • Women and Sustainable Development: Mainstreaming Gender in the United Nations 2030 Agenda
  • Gender Mainstreaming: Social, Economic and Institutional Contributions for Sustainable Community Development
  • The impact on women of internal control practices and health services in Uganda
  • Exploring the Waste management and Gender Nexus
  • Gender mainstreaming in the Climate Technology Centre & Network: a review of a case of good practice within the UNFCCC process
  • Sustainable Development and curbing gender inequality through Inclusion of women in Policy Making
  • Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Involvement of women in Mitigating the  Disaster Impacts
  • Equality, Peace, or economic sustainability: which one comes first, and are they related?
  • Women involvement in conservation: culture and empowerment nexus
  • Implications of water security on indigenous women- Case from buffer zones of Nepal  
  • Youth Participation in Indigenous Territorial Governance 
  • Building Capability For Knowledge Creation: A Symbolic Interaction Analysis of Capacity Building Engagements of Women In A Community Setting

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of Women, Sustainability and Leadership Studies ISSN: 2207-6581





Open for innovations (in the form of scientific articles) exploring gender, sustainability, climate change and leadership


IBF, International Board for Sustainable Futures


The International Journal of Women, Sustainability and Leadership Studies is an open-access online, collaborative journal providing services to exceptional women in sustainability leading academic and policy-relevant research. Specializing primarily in women, sustainability and leadership studies, This Scientific Journal is branching out into other sustainability science disciplines providing opportunities for scholars to post their early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer reviewed publication. The Journal Editorial Board accepts original research, reports, and literature reviews in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

​Proudly supported by the Exceptional Women in Sustainability Network (eWisely), the Journal is instrumental as a starting point for Master and PhD students, researchers and institutional faculty to post early-stage research, prior to publication in academic journals. We make it simple for exceptional women in sustainability to post their working papers and abstracts. Academics and researchers can browse our issues and upload their own papers free of charge. Majority of papers can be downloaded from the journal free of charge.

International Journal of Women, Sustainability and Leadership - ISSN: 2207 - 6581


Open for innovations (in the form of scientific articles) exploring gender, sustainability, climate change and leadership




IBF, International Board for Sustainable Futures


The International Journal of Women, Sustainability and Leadership Studies is an open-access online, collaborative journal providing services to exceptional women in sustainability leading academic and policy-relevant research. Specializing primarily in women, sustainability and leadership studies, This Scientific Journal is branching out into other sustainability science disciplines providing opportunities for scholars to post their early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer reviewed publication. The Journal Editorial Board accepts original research, reports, and literature reviews in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

​Proudly supported by the Exceptional Women in Sustainability Network (eWisely), the Journal is instrumental as a starting point for Master and PhD students, researchers and institutional faculty to post early-stage research, prior to publication in academic journals. We make it simple for exceptional women in sustainability to post their working papers and abstracts. Academics and researchers can browse our issues and upload their own papers free of charge. Majority of papers can be downloaded from the journal free of charge

IBF Technical Studies





Open for innovations (in the form of scientific articles) exploring gender, sustainability, climate change and leadership


IBF, International Board for Sustainable Futures

IBF carries out rigorous research to help build the case for business and sustainable development and to assist our clients in shaping government and corporate policy. We produce policy, corporate and academic reports on demand.

Our research consultant team also embarks on quarterly publications developed by us and/or in collaboration with exceptional women and champions in sustainability across the globe. Our publications intend to inform and educate our clients and partners whilst forging a sustainable future for all.

Mujeres de Hierro en América Latina y el Caribe- Integración del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 5 (ODS 5 Igualdad de Género) en la Industria Extractiva (Minería, Petróleo y Gas) ​


IBF, eWisely Network – undergraduate researchers from eWisely networks in Latin America and the Caribbean.


El estudio reportado en este informe presenta la integración del ODS 5 en la industria extractiva en países en América Latina y el Caribe. El estudio se apoya en hallazgos de investigación científica y una compilación de casos de mujeres en extractivas en países en América Latina y el Caribe. La investigación hace énfasis en la integración del ODS 5 (Igualdad de Género) con el objetivo de promover prácticas e iniciativas internacionales para la inserción sostenible de la mujer en la industria extractiva y su cadena de valor en América Latina. Este estudio presenta un enfoque para la integración del ODS 5 soportado en investigación científica liderada por la Dra. Isabel B. Franco y el equipo de investigación eWisely en el marco del proyecto WIMLATAM.
Este estudio nace de la necesidad de fomentar la participación sostenible de mujeres en la industria extractiva y la cadena de valor. Los retos que enfrentan las mujeres a nivel global generan limitaciones que comprometen la productividad del sector. Entre las limitaciones existentes predominan: La disparidad de salarios y bajas oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, la dificultad para conciliar la vida familiar y personal debido a los sistemas de trabajo en turno y falta de arreglos laborales flexibles, así como una cultura masculina dominante que se refleja en las rutinas de trabajo, y que resulta en la discriminación y acoso dentro de las organizaciones.

Technical Studies

IBF carries out rigorous research to help build the case for business and sustainable development and to assist our clients in shaping government and corporate policy. We produce policy, corporate and academic reports on demand.

Our research consultant team also embarks on quarterly publications developed by us and/or in collaboration with exceptional women and champions in sustainability across the globe. Our publications intend to inform and educate our clients and partners whilst forging a sustainable future for all.

Mujeres de Hierro en América Latina y el Caribe- Integración del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 5 (ODS 5 Igualdad de Género) en la Industria Extractiva (Minería, Petróleo y Gas) ​


IBF, eWisely Network – undergraduate researchers from eWisely networks in Latin America and the Caribbean.


El estudio reportado en este informe presenta la integración del ODS 5 en la industria extractiva en países en América Latina y el Caribe. El estudio se apoya en hallazgos de investigación científica y una compilación de casos de mujeres en extractivas en países en América Latina y el Caribe. La investigación hace énfasis en la integración del ODS 5 (Igualdad de Género) con el objetivo de promover prácticas e iniciativas internacionales para la inserción sostenible de la mujer en la industria extractiva y su cadena de valor en América Latina. Este estudio presenta un enfoque para la integración del ODS 5 soportado en investigación científica liderada por la Dra. Isabel B. Franco y el equipo de investigación eWisely en el marco del proyecto WIMLATAM.
Este estudio nace de la necesidad de fomentar la participación sostenible de mujeres en la industria extractiva y la cadena de valor. Los retos que enfrentan las mujeres a nivel global generan limitaciones que comprometen la productividad del sector. Entre las limitaciones existentes predominan: La disparidad de salarios y bajas oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, la dificultad para conciliar la vida familiar y personal debido a los sistemas de trabajo en turno y falta de arreglos laborales flexibles, así como una cultura masculina dominante que se refleja en las rutinas de trabajo, y que resulta en la discriminación y acoso dentro de las organizaciones.

MUJERES DEL DORADO: ​Integración del Objetivo de Desarrollo 5 (Igualdad de Género) en la Industria Extractiva - El Caso Colombiano


IBF Anglogold Ashanti Colombia, Red Eagle Colombia, Cerro Matoso South32, Cerrejón, Continental Gold, Mineros S.A y Drummond LTD Colombia.


El reto principal que enfrentan las empresas en el desarrollo de su estrategia de sostenibilidad, es la integración efectiva del los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), particularmente el ODS 5 Igualdad de Género y su impacto en las regiones donde operan, las comunidades y grupos vulnerables, especialmente las mujeres. Las estrategias de sostenibilidad existentes y agendas de responsabilidad social de las empresas en las regiones donde se realiza el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales rara vez incorpora la integración de los ODS o en su defecto no existe una implementación adecuada de los mismos en contextos como el colombiano.
Soportado en hallazgos científicos, grupos focales con mujeres en la industria extractiva colombiana y un Marco Metodológico de Integración del ODS 5, este reporte presenta la evaluación del ranking realizado a empresas de la industria extractiva colombiana, en integración del ODS 5, igualdad de género. El reporte presenta recomendaciones para la industria en la promoción del ODS 5 y por lo tanto de la sostenibilidad de las regiones donde opera. Las empresas rankeadas en este reporte son a saber: Anglogold Ashanti Colombia, Red Eagle Colombia, Cerromatoso South32, Cerrejón, Continental Gold, Mineros S.A y Drummond LTD Colombia.

MUJERES DEL DORADO: ​Integración del Objetivo de Desarrollo 5 (Igualdad de Género) en la Industria Extractiva - El Caso Colombiano


IBF Anglogold Ashanti Colombia, Red Eagle Colombia, Cerro Matoso South32, Cerrejón, Continental Gold, Mineros S.A y Drummond LTD Colombia.


El reto principal que enfrentan las empresas en el desarrollo de su estrategia de sostenibilidad, es la integración efectiva del los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), particularmente el ODS 5 Igualdad de Género y su impacto en las regiones donde operan, las comunidades y grupos vulnerables, especialmente las mujeres. Las estrategias de sostenibilidad existentes y agendas de responsabilidad social de las empresas en las regiones donde se realiza el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales rara vez incorpora la integración de los ODS o en su defecto no existe una implementación adecuada de los mismos en contextos como el colombiano.
Soportado en hallazgos científicos, grupos focales con mujeres en la industria extractiva colombiana y un Marco Metodológico de Integración del ODS 5, este reporte presenta la evaluación del ranking realizado a empresas de la industria extractiva colombiana, en integración del ODS 5, igualdad de género. El reporte presenta recomendaciones para la industria en la promoción del ODS 5 y por lo tanto de la sostenibilidad de las regiones donde opera. Las empresas rankeadas en este reporte son a saber: Anglogold Ashanti Colombia, Red Eagle Colombia, Cerromatoso South32, Cerrejón, Continental Gold, Mineros S.A y Drummond LTD Colombia.

An Exploration of Internal Control Practices and Health Service in Uganda

The findings from the descriptive statistics, interviews conducted from key stakeholders and documentary reviews revealed that that there was a relatively weak positive

relationship between internal control practices and health service delivery. Health service delivery was dependent on the internal control environment, internal audit function and internal control activities. If these variables are improved, health service delivery is expected to improve.

There was increased uptake of health-facility deliveries and this could further increase with improved access to quality essential health-care services thus expediting achievement of

SDG 3 targets 3.1 and 3.8.

An Exploration of Internal Control Practices and Health Service in Uganda

The findings from the descriptive statistics, interviews conducted from key stakeholders and documentary reviews revealed that that there was a relatively weak positive

relationship between internal control practices and health service delivery. Health service delivery was dependent on the internal control environment, internal audit function and internal control activities. If these variables are improved, health service delivery is expected to improve.

There was increased uptake of health-facility deliveries and this could further increase with improved access to quality essential health-care services thus expediting achievement of

SDG 3 targets 3.1 and 3.8.