With an emerging global order drawing to a beginning, the achievement of the global climate and sustainable development agenda is now more critical than ever. However, the only way to achieve this goal is by promoting greater international connections and collaboration related explicitly to the better and sustainable futures we want and those outlined in international agendas.
While communities impacted by climate and disruptive industrial transformations are on distinct sides of the globe, continents away from each other, the partnership and knowledge sharing amongst regions in areas of sustainability create cross-border learnings that have a positive impact on sustainable futures as well as the world as a whole. While the achievement of global sustainability is essential for organizations in order to achieve a sustainable future for all, this forum will deliver the following outputs, which have a particularly strong link between industry and sustainability:
- Increase collaboration between businesses government, industry, academia, local communities and civil society to ensure all parties are represented in the decision-making process of forging a sustainable future.
- Build channels of trust between businesses, governments, communities and stakeholders to promote transparency and active communication in order to ensure that all input is taken into consideration in the development of business activities.
- Increase global partnerships to encourage cross-border best business practices, knowledge sharing and promote innovation
Abstract Submission Open!

We are happy to inform you that the Abstract Submission for the International Forum for Better Futures is now open!
This inaugural event is focusing on the theme of Sustainable Futures: Government, Business, Sustainability in a New Global Order and will be divided into 3 sessions:
S1. Business Sustainability
S2. Sustainable Futures
S3. Panel Showcase
Both oral and poster contributions are welcome! Please note, however, that this is a digital event and in-person attendance is preferred for the oral presentations. Email us at connect@ibf.international to get further information about sponsorship opportunities.
Download abstract submission guidelines below:
Important Dates

Registration and Abstract Submission: August 30
Forum Date: October 18, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM (AEST)