Exceptional Women in Sustainability Network

This bi-montly networking gathers exceptional women in sustainability across the globe to make-decisions on the growth and connectivity of the eWisely network. It also gathers women in sustainability science, policy and practice over +60 locations to take the lead in the organizing committee towards the design and delivery of the Women Sustainability Forum.

International Forum for Better Futures

The emerging global order is reshaping our futures and challenging the world’s outdated economic, social, and environmental systems. The International Sustainable Futures Forum is a global platform to rethink the future we want and establish the networks needed to forge a sustainable world for all. Delivered online, this international event cuts across various areas of […]

IBF International Board for Better Futures

This bi-monthly event is an opportunity to network with the collective of innovative futurists operating across +25 countries. Over these technical meetings we discuss and make decisions on how we make the world’s wisdom more accessible and trusted, so that it aligns with the demands of an emerging, global order, ultimately forging a sustainable world […]

Exceptional Women in Sustainability Network

This bi-montly networking gathers exceptional women in sustainability across the globe to make-decisions on the growth and connectivity of the eWisely network. It also gathers women in sustainability science, policy and practice over +60 locations to take the lead in the organizing committee towards the design and delivery of the Women Sustainability Forum.