Gender Mainstreaming in the 2030 Agenda: A Focus on Education and Responsible Consumption & Production

  • Gender Impact Assessment 
  • Gender Mainstreaming in Supply Chains
  • Gender Policy Analysis




Japan, Asia and the Pacific

Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability

United Nations University

Gender equality is a cross-cutting issue that affects all dimensions of sustainable development; women must be at the centre of the 2030 Agenda. Despite the interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the commitment to “leave no one behind,” progress on gender mainstreaming is uneven across the SDGs. This policy brief looks at two selected areas: education (SDG 4) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12). Progress has been made on gender mainstreaming in both areas, but there are significant gaps and a holistic approach is lacking. IBF conducts gender impact assessments and helps sustainable businesses integrate a gender perspective into the supply chain due diligence. 

IBF advised the United Nations University on the following basis:

  • Increase multi-stakeholder collaboration for ensuring women’s access to education and fair work arrangements across production chains.
  • Provide women with educational opportunities in alignment with their own development aspirations.
  • Develop gender-sensitive interventions that are context-specific to address power structures.
  • Use gender assessment tools and promote public awareness for gender mainstreaming.

Gender Mainstreaming in the 2030 Agenda: A Focus on Education and Responsible Consumption & Production


Japan, Asia and the Pacific


Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability


United Nations University

Gender equality is a cross-cutting issue that affects all dimensions of sustainable development; women must be at the centre of the 2030 Agenda. Despite the interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the commitment to “leave no one behind,” progress on gender mainstreaming is uneven across the SDGs. This policy brief looks at two selected areas: education (SDG 4) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12). Progress has been made on gender mainstreaming in both areas, but there are significant gaps and a holistic approach is lacking. IBF conducts gender impact assessments and helps sustainable businesses integrate a gender perspective into the supply chain due diligence. 

IBF advised the United Nations University on the following basis:

  • Increase multi-stakeholder collaboration for ensuring women’s access to education and fair work arrangements across production chains.
  • Provide women with educational opportunities in alignment with their own development aspirations.
  • Develop gender-sensitive interventions that are context-specific to address power structures.
  • Use gender assessment tools and promote public awareness for gender mainstreaming.

Related Projects

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SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions The Untapped Potential of Women for Sustainable Peace in Resource Regions

Related Projects

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy eWisely: Exceptional Women in Sustainability Have Energy to Boost – Contribution of the Energy Sector to the Achievement of the SDGs
SDG 5 Gender Equality Not Just a Women’s Issue: Sustainable Leadership in Male Dominated Industries – The Case of the Extractive Industry
SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions The Untapped Potential of Women for Sustainable Peace in Resource Regions

Related Projects

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy eWisely: Exceptional Women in Sustainability Have Energy to Boost – Contribution of the Energy Sector to the Achievement of the SDGs
SDG 5 Gender Equality Not Just a Women’s Issue: Sustainable Leadership in Male Dominated Industries – The Case of the Extractive Industry
SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions The Untapped Potential of Women for Sustainable Peace in Resource Regions